Doctrina cristiana muy cumplida
- Subtitle:
- donde se contiene la exposición de todo lo necesario para doctrinar a los indios
- Alternative Title:
- Alternative Subtitle:
- [DONDE SE CON-tiene la expoſicion de todo lo neceſſario para Doċtrinar alos Yndios]
- Creator/Contributor:
- Juan de la Anunciación, fray, 1514-1594 (author)
- Publisher:
- Balli, Pedro, active 1574-1600
- Geographic Coverage:
- Mexico (country)| México (country)
- Date Created/Date Issued:
- 1575
- Owning Repository:
- Biblioteca Eusebio Francisco Kino, Instituto Libre de Filosofía y Ciencias, A.C.
- Related Resource - Host:
- Fondo José Gutiérrez Casillas, S.J. (title)| 17176 (local)
- Identifier - Local:
- pl_befk_003
- Extent:
- 292 p.
- Language:
- Spanish| spa| Nahuatl languages| nah
- Genre:
- Catechisms| Manuals| Prayers
- Topic:
- Human behavior| Indigenous peoples| Sacraments| Sin| Death and burial
- Description:
- Spanish-Nahuatl doctrine that contains explanations and philosophical arguments related to the moral and theological principles necessary for a Christian life. It contains sections on the fourteen articles of Faith, the Creed, ten commandments, days for fasting, sacraments, seven mortal sins, the four virtues, the three parts of the soul, and prayers.| Collation formula: +⁵, A⁸- R⁸, S⁷, il. Errors in pagination: 22 numbered 23 and 24 missing, double 25, 34 numbered 43, 39 numbered 36, 59 numbered 56, 133 numbered 136, 136 as 316, no 137, double 138, 147 numbered 157, 159 numbered 149, there is 161, 163 numbered 263, after 164 follows 163, 169 numbered 166, 172 numbered 182, follows another 172, 193 numbered 391, 229 numbered 292, there is no 248, double 252, 253 numbered as 252, 256 numbered as 257, there are no 258-265 but the sequence of the signatures is correct, after 257 266 to 268 follow, next 259, there are no 275 and 276, missing 281-282, the last page of this volume is 286. Format: 4o. Dimensions: 19.5 x 15 cm. Binding: Parchment. Marginalia: a note on p. 171. Provenance marks: Ink stamps of the "Americanist Historical Association"; of "Ex libris Hist. Mex. Coll. Max. S. I. Prov. Mex. Meric."; of "Coll. S. Francisci Xav. I. H. S. ad 'Tepotzotlan,' Mex."; and of "Ex libris Hist. Mex. Coll. Max. S. I. Prov. Mex. Merid." Illustrations: Engravings of the rosary of Our Lady (p. 257) and of the crown of Christ (p. 262). Type: Roman & Italic.
- Condition Note:
- Daños por humedad. Daños en la encuadernación, lomo y hojas desprendidos. Falta la portada y algunas hojas al final. La hoja dos está incompleta y restaurada.| Moisture damage. Damage to the binding and spine. Detached gatherings. The title page and some leaves at the end are missing. Leaf two is damaged and restored.
- General Note:
- Título y pie de imprenta tomado de una reproducción fotostática de la portada adherida al libro y de la descripción de García Icazbalceta, Bibliografía mexicana del siglo XVI, núm. 74 (66). Sin colofón por falta de últimas paginas.| Title and publishing information taken from a photostatic reproduction of the title page attached to the book and from the description by García Icazbalceta, Bibliografía mexicana del Siglo XVI, no. 74 (66). No colophon for lack of last pages.
- License:
- Citation Note:
- Primeros Libros de las Américas proporciona acceso a este recurso digital exclusivamente para fines de investigación y de enseñanza. Todos los derechos de reedición pertenecen a dichas instituciones depositarias. Es necesario pedir permiso de la institución que custodia el libro original para publicar alguna imagen.| Primeros Libros de las Américas provides access to this digital resource exclusively for research and teaching purposes. Owning repositories retain exclusive publication rights over these materials. It is necessary to request permission from the institution that holds the original book to publish an image.